Emphasis Proposal

Students may choose an emphasis, if desired, sometime before their junior year. Though not required, an emphasis may help students achieve their future goals after graduation.

Examples of emphases include law, education, business leadership, family policy, etc. This emphasis should be decided with the help of faculty and other mentors.

Once approved, the chosen emphasis should be considered a main area of focus throughout a student’s time at MLC. It should also be a large part of all class research papers, a student’s two practica, and the senior project. This intensive study will give MLC students an advantage through growing competence in their emphasis.

It is each student’s responsibility to make professors aware of their emphasis and the goals associated with it which will allow faculty to assist.

An emphasis is not a different degree. MLC students in the bachelor’s program will continue to graduate with a degree in Classical Liberal Arts. But for those who have chosen an emphasis, their diplomas will add this emphasis to their CLA degree. Under Degrees Awarded, their transcript will say, “BA Classical Liberal Arts with an emphasis in [emphasis].”

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