Our master’s degree continues the tradition
implemented in our bachelor’s program:
to rekindle a love for classical liberal arts education,
engage the giants of the past, and recognize the
truth, wisdom, and beauty these timeless works contain.
Mount Liberty’s master’s in Classical Liberal Arts is for those who didn’t receive a classical liberal arts degree during their undergraduate years but now desire to explore the humanities and ideas from the past. Students will engage in a multidisciplinary curriculum comprising works of philosophy, politics, history, economics, the sciences, and literature, among others. This degree will introduce our M.A. students to the rewarding experiences of diving into the classics and Great Books of the world and discussing true principles.
This program of study will involve demanding intellectual effort—extensive reading, intense discussion, and deep thinking—which will prepare our graduates to meet the great challenges of our time. We hope you will join us!
MLC’s Master’s Program will be made up of three parts:
Core Courses which involve subjects necessary for a great liberal arts education. These subjects will enhance critical thinking, increase the understanding of human nature, and be a repository where truth, wisdom, and beauty will be recognized. There are four 3-credit courses in our Core area.
Depth Courses will cover different topics, times, and subjects but will all prove inspirational for students as they dig into the readings. There will be a variety of these courses offered while only a certain number are required for graduation. Students will choose six 3-credit courses to fulfill this phase of the MLC master’s program.
The Thesis (with its prospectus) is the culmination of this degree where students will delve deeply into a topic of their choice adding their own insights to the Great Conversation. Both the thesis and prospectus are three credits each.
The Mount Liberty College master’s degree in Humanities will be a course of study completed on a part-time basis; courses will not be scheduled in such a way as to graduate in one year. This first semester there will be one class offered. As the number of students grows, the course offerings will grow as well.